Raphael Warnock, who won in a 2021 runoff, and. That’s the number of Biden judicial nominees the Senate has confirmed. Republicans’ best pick-up opportunities are in Georgia and Arizona, two states that Biden and Senate Democrats flipped last cycle. Senate seat in 2024the first Democrat to announce for the seat. Democrats would also be able to lead committees without a power-sharing agreement with Republicans, and could still pass legislation and confirm nominees even if one Senate Democrat votes no. Longtime public figure Marc Carmichael said he will campaign for Indiana’s open U.S. Committee Schedules Floor Proceedings Recent Votes Bills & Reports. If Warnock wins, Democrats will hold 51 seats, meaning they won’t need Vice President Kamala Harris’ tie-breaking vote in the event of a 50-50 split. 118th Congress, 1st Session The House is not in session. Georgia’s Senate race is headed to a runoff election on December 6 after Warnock and Republican Herschel Walker both failed to clinch the 50% of votes needed to avoid a rematch. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.) campaigned with prominent Republicans who touted Kelly’s bipartisan efforts on infrastructure and energy initiatives. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) on the campaign trail, NBC News reported, and incumbent Sen. Cortez Masto highlighted her work with Sen. The final outcome of next week’s primary could hinge on an endorsement from President Trump, who has given shoutouts to one of Sessions rivals. difference in the number of votes cast for the apparent winning candidate. In the pivotal Arizona and Nevada Senate races that were called for Democrats on Friday and Saturday, the Democratic candidates vowed to work across the aisle in an appeal to right-leaning swing voters. Tim Walz, the DFL will control the House and Senate when the Legislature gets. Democrats have a more difficult path to maintaining control of the House, and will need to win 14 of the 20 uncalled House races. to fill the vacancy until the next meeting of the legislature, which would take.

As of Sunday morning, Democrats had won 204 seats, while Republicans had 211 seats, meaning the GOP is seven wins away from securing the 218 seats needed for a majority. of the Senate to the fact that in the first two clauses in regard to. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.)-Democrats will maintain leadership roles on committees Republicans could have used to launch new investigations. Republicans had floated plans to reinvigorate investigations into Biden and his orbit, including his son Hunter Biden’s business dealings, and while some investigations are already underway-including a Hunter Biden probe led by Sens. 49 gop seats en espaol Senate map Senate seats HI dem 51 NovemGeorgia Senate runoff results d Incumbent Projected winner Raphael Warnock 51.4 1,820,633 r Herschel Walker.